+44 208 133 5164; +370 688 93563 enquiries@logcabins.lv


Hi everyone, OK we have at last updated www.logcabins.lv  

Yep! the old girl is up and at it again, she will have a lot more products put on her, and she as always is offering her product to the whole world.

Please remember to read the blogs.

Log cabins.lv is without a doubt one of the largest, if not largest blog/catalogue of designs and ideas for log cabins in the world. We have spent countless hours and many long nights writing and advising to our customers about what we think is good and bad. A lot of the time we are jumped on and told that what we think is too one-sided and that we should take the manufacturing pricing into account. But personally, I think if its worth 10p and yes we are all in the industry to make money then yes we can sell it for 12p, but not 5 pounds fifty pence, And also I hate it when I personally design something, amazing, unique and special and a company comes in and copies me, by making something look similar to my quality product, manufactured to a so, so quality,, so they can pretend its our product, design, idea, but it’s sold by them for a lower price, and as always the quality, is not just questionable, it 100% of the time is rubbish, this is where most of the log cabin 44mm clock houses sold in the UK are at present, looks like our Clock House high quality, but the quality is not just dangerous, its life threatening on some sold.

Also, I hate it when I design log cabins, I actually do spend a lot of time, forget the money side of it, but the time and effort,  I put those designs and ideas on the internet, and we get companies like logcabinslakeland, for instance, who steal our content, watermark over our registered trademark and then tries, to sell you some worthless pile of crap,  manufactured from fast grown ( young) timber.  This industry is full of crooks, thieves, liars and con men, you can decide what Lakeland log cabins fall under! Sad eh!

Onto better thoughts, and people, and credible companies, our new partner, Tom at FactoryCabins.co.uk is now offering our bespoke range to all the UK, Good luck Tom…


Thanks for reading….