Log Cabins in Scotland

quality log cabins for scotland
Over the years, we have sold thousands of log cabins into Scotland.
However, over the last ten years we have found that Scotland is not just getting wetter the wind is also becoming extremely ferocious in the winter, which is causing concern to many cabin owners.
There are many companies in Scotland that refuse to sell 28mm and 34mm log cabins due to the fact that they tend to leak, blow away and that complaints a fourth coming on a daily basis.
34mm log cabins are great as small storage sheds, bin covers, bike sheds, or to store your lawn mower.
45mm log cabins are great in all weathers if the manufacturer you purchase yours from offers all the necessary parts.
Firstly, the windows and doors should be of residential standard, which means they are certified, and are produced to be watertight. This is accomplished through correct manufacturing, using the correct amount of mastic when applying the double glazed unit to the frame, and making sure the hardware is fit for purpose.
Residential windows and doors as standard in 45mm log cabins are incredibly hard to find as standard. deluxe Range Of Log Cabins !
In addition, there is no company in the Log Cabin business apart from us that offers stainless steel tie down rods for the corners as standard for 45mm log cabins.
What we have achieved with our standard deluxe cabins, and all the extras, and the low pricing is actually unheard of.
There are now companies offering to spray your windows any color, but!! these windows are not certified and are not built to withstand mother nature.
If you live in Scotland, and are looking for a Log Cabin, then please send us an email, we have dealers, top, middle and bottom, and we’ll make sure your LV dealer is experienced. Polite and extra helpful.
Log Cabins LV has the best dealerships in the UK, we are in Hastings, Poole, London, and Scotland also on the Isle Of Man to name just a few, we cover the whole of Ireland and Europe, Australia, America, Canada, and we are expanding monthly. Our Cabins can be found almost everywhere, we are known for fairness in price, quality in our manufacturing.
Regarding purchasing Cabins, Timber Buildings or any item from Self Employed Dealers. Resellers, who sell our LV or FC brand, if you went to the Self Employed Dealers, reseller, first, please do not come to us, if you have a question, concerns please call us, but as they are resellers, we are unable to do anything legally to them regarding their prices , Please remember and do not forget a business needs earn money, we can say what we think they should be sold at, but we cannot by law demand they sell it at what we think. So, it’s always best to look at other websites, and please remember our cabins are high quality, so like for like pricing will be difficult, but there are a few companies out there that are the same nearly as ours and you can gauge if the pricing if fair or not.
I say this all the time, pay with a credit card………. It keeps you safe.
We have no claim or claims to our dealerships working practises, or who and what they do. We are not responsible for deposits they may take, and we are not responsible for broken doors, windows, or bad workmanship, fitted kitchens, bad fitted bathrooms etc, we however would like to be told this in writing so we can take the matter to the company concerned and ask them to help you with your concerns.
When we deliver a cabin to our resellers, they are the owner of that cabin, timber building etc, until they give it to you, you don’t even own it, once its delivered to you, you sign for it, but before you do, inspect it, you can refuse to sign for it if there is damage. The law is on your side, however if you have had a bespoke cabin made for you, and there are missing parts, or a broken door, you cannot return this, the company (reseller) has 28 days, or whatever his T and C’s say in which to fix your Log Cabin. We have some amazing resellers, and they will bend over to help you have that amazing cabin in your garden.
Here is a note to everyone, only buy a cabin if your job is secure, and you can afford it, as most cabins are bespoke manufactured for you, refunds are almost impossible. So please beware of this.
Please take note, please,please always ask if you can pay with a credit card.
Thank you for reading.
For more information please call us or send us an email.
Log cabins LV the sensible choice!
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