Here are a few new photos of One of Two Classrooms we are building at present. The size of these class room cabins is 8m x 18m. All our log cabin twin skin classrooms conform to full building regulations.
This education building is a twin skin log cabin, in essence, however the internal wall is manufactured using a dove tail joint, which gives the building superior strength, and still conforming to sat tests.
Unlike 99.9% of all companies on the internet, all our erecting teams for these kind of projects are CIS certified. This is a must if you are involved with large buildings where the public are concerned.
So whats different about this school cabin classroom to other log cabin school classrooms, firstly the price is low, quality is highest available and construction time is incredibly quick. Twin skin log cabin classrooms, if manufactured correctly, to building regs and are able to conform to Sat Tests can offer a solution that could bring the cost of our Educational Buildings down. It just takes the boldest to step forward and start building with them.( Darren Did)….
What is very important, is that the timber used for the educational log cabin class rooms is engineered, we have spoken about substandard Gluelam timber on our blog before, also about the kind of machinery that is used by back street mills, plus the grade of the timber which is so very, very important. Please read this blog to understand more.
Grades are just so very important in all building types. Sadly the UK is one of the only countries in Europe for instance that does not have large forests, and because of this timber must be imported in. There are many places on the planet where timber is in abundance, but that does not mean that if the timber looks good, it is great for Timber Frame, Log cabins or Glulam cabins, all timber, no matter what it looks like, must be graded. And this is either done by machine, or by eye. Visual grading starts at C16 and finishes at C24. In the UK many, many companies because of price use the lowest grade possible, C16 , which is frankly rubbish, and not fit for a dwelling house. But the UK government caved in to the building trade and allows this grade to be used in construction.
Logcabins LV believes that quality construction must start from the ground up, and we also believe in getting the best timber for each and every project.
We are positioned as a company right on the boarder of the largest forests in the world, so as you can imagine we get the first pick of the best FSC logs, we then grade it, and only C24 for instance would go into our panels, nothing less! And the same applies to our glulam timber, however, because our glulam cabins are of engineered quality we take the C24 graded timber, and cut that up to make a C32 or even C40 grade. All our purlin’s are C40 graded.No other company in the UK can come even close to us with this kind of graded timber. And whats more important, there prices are almost double to ours? For more info please email us.

glulam cabins

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