Category Archives: timber frame- glulam cabins-solid log cabins

Net Zero Post and Beam

The Incredible Journey of Acquiring a Stunning Post and Beam Home
Section I: Contents Table
Observing the Charm
What distinguishes Post and Beam Homes?
The Sculptural Beauty of Wooden Buildings
Net-zero Living: A Sustainable Lifestyle
Joinery art is a beautiful craft.
Cheap Luxury: Is It a Myth or a Reality?
Some Ideas for Customising Your Ideal House
Getting Through the Storm: The Value of Sturdiness
Standard Building vs. Post and Beam Net Zero Timber Frames: The Pinnacle of Green Building: Is Investing in or Challenging History?
Maintenance Advice to Preserve Elegance
The Final Chapter of Your Post-Beam Adventure
Responses to Commonly Asked Questions
Questions and Responses
1: Appreciating the Charm
Accepting Charm: An Overview
Think about the following: A house that embraces you with the cosiness of wooden frames and communicates history Greetings from the realm of post and beam construction, where sustainability and aesthetics go hand in hand. This essay delves into the subtleties of buying the house of your dreams.

  1. What Makes Post and Beam Homes Unique?
    A Unique Breed: Post and Beam
    Have you ever wondered what makes houses with posts and beams so unique? Post and beam architecture, as opposed to traditional home designs, use vertical posts to support horizontal beams, creating light-filled, spacious areas. Because of the unique design’s encouragement of customization and originality, every home becomes a unique work of art.

3: The Sculptural Beauty of Wooden Buildings
Elevating Wood to Create Elegance
Think of the timber frames as the base of your house. These large, exposed beams give a feeling of strength and durability in addition to adding a bit of rustic charm. The elegance of wood frames lies in their compatibility with modern design.

4: Net Zero Living: An Ecological Way of Life
Net Zero Housing and the Green Revolution
Post and beam homes take front stage in a world where sustainability is imperative. Energy efficiency is given priority in these net-zero timber frame buildings through the utilisation of innovative technologies and renewable resources. Consider turning your house into a green retreat.

  1. Joinery is a Beauty Art Craft.
    The intersection between construction and art is joinery.
    Ever notice how the beams blend together so beautifully to create a feast for the eyes? That’s a talent for joining. Learn about the artistry that goes into the dovetails and mortise and tenon joints that give your post and beam home strength and beauty.

Is the Myth of Low-Cost Luxury Real?
Luxurious Living Is Within Your Budget
The notion that luxury real estate is pricey is refuted when it comes to post and beam structures. Examine how these residences offer a high return on investment and the cost-effective components of luxury living.

7: Suggestions for Customization Regarding Pursuing Your Dreams
Your Style, Your Intent
When it comes to post-and-beam homes, customization is essential. Discover how to create your own home design, from floor plans to interior finishes. See your vision come to life by letting your imagination run free.

8: Weathering the Storm: Sturdiness is Essential
Designed to Last: The Durability Factor
Living in a post-and-beam home entails residing in a sturdy structure. Discover the importance of durability and how these houses can withstand the weather both physically and figuratively.

9: Conventional Construction vs Post and Beam
Selecting Between Conventional and Post-and-Beam Construction
As you start this endeavour, it’s critical to understand the distinctions between post and beam and traditional construction. Examine the two approaches and see if post and beam are a better fit for your way of life.

The ultimate achievement of the green building revolution is the Net Zero Timber Frame.
Analyse the advantages of net-zero timber frames for the environment. Find out how your post-and-beam house may help create a better, more sustainable future by reducing carbon emissions and saving energy.
11: Is Purchasing Historical Artefacts a Business or a Hobby?
Greater Than a Home: An Investment in History
Post and beam house owners are entitled to more than simply real estate. It’s a timeless investment that embraces sustainability in the future while connecting you to past craftsmanship. It’s a piece of history.

Twelve is maintenance. Advice for Preserving Elegance
Regular upkeep is necessary to keep your post and beam home elegant and beautiful. Find useful advice on how to make sure your property ages well and continues to appeal to future generations.
13: Your Post-and-Beam Adventure Comes to an End
At last, your journey with posts and beams has commenced.
Last but not least, purchasing a post-and-beam home is an investment in classic style and sustainable living. Your dream house awaits, where environmental awareness and master craftsmanship converge. Start your post-beam journey right now.

14: FAQs: Accessing Frequently Asked Questions and Their Answers
15: Frequently Requested Questions
Does the building with posts and beams require less energy?

Indeed, post-and-beam constructions are inherently energy-efficient. The open design makes it possible for excellent ventilation, and the use of modern insulation materials ensures maximum energy conservation.
Is It Possible to Personalise My Post and Beam House’s Interior?

Of course! Post-and-beam homes are incredibly flexible. You are free to use your imagination to build a home that expresses your unique style, from floor plans to interior details.
What Is the Price Difference Between a Post and Beam House and a Standard Home?

Post-and-beam homes often offer a better return on investment, though starting prices can vary. Their long lifespan, energy efficiency, and classic charm make them an affordable, long-term choice.
Is post-and-beam building suitable in all weather conditions?

Indeed, post and beam homes are built to withstand a variety of weather conditions. They are appropriate for both hot and cold weather because of their durable materials and robust construction.
Is it feasible to get net zero energy in a post-and-beam house by adding solar panels?

Of course! Post and beam structures lend themselves well to the incorporation of sustainable features like solar panels due to their architectural flexibility. Utilise solar energy to live a net-zero lifestyle.
The best Net Zero buildings available online range from tiny homes to Net Zero New Builds and much more.

Net Zero Timber Frames are not Like for Like!

Now, let’s delve into the compelling reasons why it is fundamentally flawed to equate superior timber-frame net-zero buildings with their garden-variety counterparts. These distinctions encompass variations in construction techniques, materials, functionality, and overall value.

First and foremost, the materials employed in crafting superior timber frame net-zero buildings stand in stark contrast to those found in their garden-variety counterparts. Net-zero structures often utilize high-quality, sustainable materials. An exemplary instance is the meticulously selected and graded C24 wood, renowned for its durability and longevity. In contrast, garden-variety structures typically resort to unseasoned, low-quality wood bereft of any grading. The divergence in materials alone can significantly impact the quality and longevity of the final construction.

Moreover, the construction processes employed in crafting net-zero buildings far surpass the rudimentary techniques used in garden-variety structures. Advanced framing techniques are used in net-zero structures to prevent thermal bridging and improve insulation. This results in a structure that is very energy efficient. Conversely, garden-variety buildings resort to rudimentary framing techniques, resulting in insufficient insulation and a less efficient structure.

In terms of performance, net-zero buildings outshine their garden-variety counterparts. A meticulous focus on energy efficiency guides the creation of net-zero buildings, equipping them with features such as triple-glazed windows, superior insulation, and airtight construction. These features substantially reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. On the contrary, garden-variety structures often compromise on insulation and persist with outdated, inefficient heating and cooling systems, leading to increased energy costs and a heightened environmental impact.

Total value is yet another critical factor that distinguishes superior net-zero timber frame buildings from their inferior garden-variety peers. While a net-zero timber frame building may entail a higher initial cost, its long-term value eclipses that of its less advanced counterpart. Thanks to their superior construction, durability, and energy efficiency, net-zero buildings boast a significantly lower long-term cost of ownership. Conversely, garden-variety structures may appear cheaper initially but often accrue higher long-term costs due to increased energy consumption and maintenance requirements.

To liken a high-quality timber-framed net-zero building to a garden-variety structure is akin to comparing a sleek, well-maintained car with a dilapidated, old vehicle. While they may share certain materials like rubber, glass, and metal, the disparities in total value, performance, and quality are unmistakable. Expecting a subpar building constructed with inferior materials and construction standards to rival its superior counterpart is simply unjust.

Furthermore, the very act of making this comparison is flawed, assuming the erroneous premise that all timber frame buildings are created equal. Just as there exists a spectrum of car performance and quality, the same holds true for timber frame houses. Not only is it erroneous to lump all timber frame buildings together, but it also disregards the progress and innovations occurring in the construction industry.

It is both misguided and misleading to equate superior timber-framed net-zero buildings with their garden-variety, poorly insulated counterparts. Material disparities, construction techniques, overall value, and performance stand as clear differentiators. By noticing these differences, we can really understand why premium timber-framed net-zero buildings are so valuable and of such high quality, as well as how important they are for promoting sustainability.

Our unwavering commitment lies in exploring the pivotal role that timber plays in achieving net-zero emissions by 2030 as we endeavour to create a sustainable and environmentally conscious future. Often underappreciated, timber holds significant ecological and economic benefits. In this comprehensive piece, we delve into its significance, its multitude of applications, and its potential to revolutionise various industries.

The Environmental Impact of Timber

Timber emerges as a potent ally in the battle against climate change, primarily due to its status as a renewable resource that sequesters carbon. In stark contrast to fossil fuels, the utilisation and production of timber contribute to reduced atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions, manifesting in the following ways:

  • Carbon Sequestration: Timber acts as a carbon sink, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide as it grows. Trees represent a natural means of curbing greenhouse gas emissions, with the potential to store up to 1,000 kg of carbon per cubic metre.
  • Ecological Stewardship: Responsible forestry practices, which involve selective harvesting of mature trees, maintain a favorable carbon balance in forests. Furthermore, sustainable forestry safeguards invaluable habitats and fosters biodiversity.
  • Energy Efficiency: Timber’s lightweight, insulating properties, and adaptability result in reduced energy consumption in buildings. Wood-framed structures exhibit a smaller carbon footprint and lower energy costs.

Harnessing Timber in Construction

The construction industry stands as one of the primary contributors to carbon emissions. However, we can significantly reduce its environmental impact by incorporating timber into construction projects, with the following benefits:

  • Eco-Friendly Building Materials: Timber provides a sustainable alternative to conventional construction materials like steel and concrete. Engineered wood materials such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) are enabling the construction of tall buildings with reduced carbon footprints.
  • Speedy Construction: Prefabrication of timber components facilitates faster and more cost-effective building completion, minimizing disruptions to neighboring communities.
  • Urban Planning: Wood’s versatility has inspired innovative architectural concepts, including timber skyscrapers, offering visually appealing and environmentally responsible solutions for urban expansion.

Timber’s Role in Industry

Timber’s influence extends beyond construction, particularly in industries with high emissions. It has made diverse and substantial contributions, including:

  • Automotive Sector: Manufacturers are increasingly turning to wood-based composites for vehicle interiors to reduce weight and lower environmental impact.
  • Furniture and Timber Products: The production of furniture and wood products is transitioning towards eco-friendly and sustainable practices, employing certified sustainable timber.
  • Shipping and Packaging: The use of timber pallets and containers, known for affordability, strength, and environmental friendliness, diminishes the carbon footprint of the shipping and packaging sector.

Timber as a Carbon Offset

Timber holds the potential to serve as a significant tool for mitigating carbon emissions. Planting trees and preserving forests become critical strategies for individuals and businesses seeking to reduce their carbon footprint:

  • Soil Restoration: Investment in sustainable forestry projects and reforestation initiatives can help individuals and businesses become more carbon-neutral, balancing out carbon emissions.
  • Carbon Emissions Offsetting: Carbon-sequestering timber projects can generate valuable carbon credits, enabling businesses to invest in sustainable practices and offset their emissions.

Beyond its role as a building material, timber emerges as a pivotal asset in our quest to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030. Its impact on the environment, adaptability in construction, versatility across various industries, and potential for carbon offsetting make it a formidable force for positive change.

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+44 208 133 5164

Net Zero Timber Frame Buildings,

Factory Cabins uses only C24 in all our timber frame buildings, and here are a few reasons why:

What Is the Difference Between C16 and C24 Wood?
Choosing the proper type of timber is crucial to the success and longevity of your construction or timber building project. C16 and C24, two widely used timber grades, are frequently the source of concern and discussion. We shed light on the distinctions between C16 and C24 timber in this detailed reference, allowing you to make informed decisions while retaining the structural integrity of your construction.
Because we only utilise C24, we bring this up in today’s C16-C24 blog.

Examining C16 Timber in more Depth C16 softwood is a common softwood grade noted for its versatility and low cost. This grade is commonly utilised in a variety of building projects, such as roof trusses, floor joists, and stud walls. C16 wood has the following characteristics:

Durability and toughness
C16 wood has an average durability and life expectancy. Because it is acceptable for circumstances with less rigorous strength requirements, it is a common choice for light commercial and residential buildings.

C16’s letter ‘C’ stands for ‘Construction,’ indicating that it satisfies structural standards. The look, density, and structural qualities of timber are rated, with C16 being the lowest grade.

Common Applications
Internal framing and non-load-bearing buildings are common applications for C16 timber that do not require remarkable strength. It is an appealing alternative for a wide range of activities due to its versatility and low cost.

A Closer Look at C24 Wood
C24 timber provides a major advancement in terms of strength and durability. It is of the highest quality and is frequently used in high-end construction projects. Here’s all you need to know about C24 wood:

Extraordinary Results C24 timber is noted for its exceptional toughness and durability, making it ideal for structurally demanding applications. It is sturdy enough to withstand heavy weights while resisting bending and warping.

The letter ‘C’ in C24 also signifies structural certification. The ’24’ indicates a higher categorization than C16, implying exceptional capabilities.

Common Applications For high-load applications such as industrial buildings, bridges, and other vital structural sections, C24 timber is the material of choice. It is appropriate for applications requiring safety and longevity because to its high strength.

Choosing the Best Wood
It’s critical to evaluate your project’s individual requirements while picking between C16 and C24 lumber. Here are a few things to consider:

Capacity for Bearing Load
Because of its improved strength, C24 timber is the recommended choice for applications requiring large loads or crucial structural components.

Considerations for Cost
Because C16 lumber is less expensive, it is an appealing option for applications requiring less strength.

The Project Description
Take into account the nature of your project. C16 is typically utilised in residential and light commercial building, whereas C24 is employed in industrial or heavy-duty construction.

To summarise, understanding the distinction between C16 and C24 wood is critical for making informed building and woodworking decisions. While C16 is versatile and cost-effective, C24 stands out for its superior strength and durability. You may assure the structural integrity and endurance of your building initiatives by picking the appropriate grade according to the needs of your project.

Net Zero Timber Frame Homes

An Overview of Net Zero Timber Frame Homes
Timber Frame: A Sustainable Building Material in the Design of Net Zero Homes
The Economics of Living at Net Zero
The Environmental Impact of Net Zero Home Construction and Carbon Emissions
Net Zero Living Aesthetics and Customization in Timber Frame Homes Comfort and Durability
The Science of Net-Zero Living
Case Studies: The Future of Sustainable Housing Steps to Building Your Own Net Zero Home Net Zero House Projects That Worked
Overcoming Net Zero Living Challenges Policy and Regulations for Net Zero Homes Inspiring a Sustainable Lifestyle Book Introduction:

As our globe faces the problems of climate change and depleting natural resources, finding sustainable and energy-efficient solutions for our daily needs has become increasingly crucial. The development of net-zero timber-frame homes is one trend that has gained traction in recent years. These homes are a paradigm shift in the housing market, providing homeowners with a greener and more sustainable option. In this book, we will look at net-zero timber-frame homes and explain why they are important for the future of our world.

Introduction to Net Zero Timber Frame Homes in Chapter 1

Net zero wood frame buildings, also known as zero-energy homes, are built to generate as much energy as they consume in a year. Combining renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, with energy-efficient design makes this possible. Net zero homes have been around for a long, but employing timber frames as the principal building material takes it to the next level. Timber frame is a sustainable and renewable resource that is ideal for net-zero homes.

Chapter 2: Net Zero Home Energy-Efficient Design

One of the most significant benefits of net zero timber frame homes is their lower energy consumption. These houses are built to be well-insulated and airtight, preventing heat from escaping and eliminating the need for unnecessary heating or cooling. Additionally, the timber frame architecture allows for maximum natural lighting, decreasing the need for artificial lighting. Furthermore, the use of energy-efficient appliances and LED lights reduces energy consumption even further. All of these variables contribute to a large reduction in energy use, resulting in net zero dwellings.

Timber Frame: A Sustainable Building Material, Chapter 3

Reduced energy use not only benefits the environment, but it also saves homeowners money on their energy bills. Traditional homes use a lot of energy, particularly when it comes to heating and cooling. As a result, many households face hefty utility bills, which can be financially burdensome. Net-zero timber-frame homes, on the other hand, can save homeowners up to 80% on their energy expenditures. This not only benefits their wallets, but it also reduces their carbon footprint and helps to make the world a greener place.

Chapter 4: The Economics of Living at Net Zero

Net-zero timber frame buildings have a lower environmental impact in terms of construction in addition to being energy efficient. Timber frame homes use a sustainable and renewable resource as opposed to traditional structures, which require substantial amounts of concrete and steel. Timber is also less expensive to produce and transport, lowering the amount of energy consumed in the construction process. Furthermore, timber-framed buildings generate far less trash during construction than standard homes, making them a more environmentally friendly option.

Construction’s Environmental Impact, Chapter 5

Another reason why net-zero timber frame homes are critical for our planet’s future is their contribution to lowering carbon emissions. The construction industry is a major contributor to global carbon emissions. Net-zero homes help reduce the carbon footprint of the construction sector by using lumber as the primary building material. Furthermore, these homes use sustainable energy sources such as solar power, which reduces their carbon impact even further. Adoption of net zero timber frame homes is a step in the right direction, given the growing demand for sustainable solutions to address climate change.

Chapter 6: Carbon Emissions and Net Zero Homes

Net-zero timber frame homes are not only ecologically responsible and cost-effective, but they also provide a better level of comfort and durability. These dwellings’ insulation and airtight design maintain stable temperatures throughout, minimising cold draughts and hot spots. As a result, homeowners have a more comfortable living environment. Timber frame homes have a longer lifespan than standard homes in terms of durability. The wood used in the building is treated to avoid rot and insect infestations, resulting in a strong and long-lasting structure.

Chapter 7: Net Zero Living Comfort and Durability

When it comes to the aesthetics of net zero wood frame homes, they provide a one-of-a-kind and modern design that can be tailored to any taste. These homes have a warm and inviting vibe thanks to exposed oak beams and open floor designs. Wood’s natural beauty is also a big lure for homeowners looking for a sustainable yet fashionable solution for their houses.

So, net-zero timber-frame homes are a game changer in the housing business and critical for our planet’s future. These homes provide various advantages, including lower energy usage, lower costs, less environmental impact, and enhanced comfort and durability. Because of their environmentally friendly construction and usage of renewable energy sources, they are an excellent choice for people wishing to decrease their carbon footprint and contribute to a better planet. As we face climate change challenges, the use of net-zero timber frame homes is a step towards a more sustainable and energy-efficient future. So, let us make the conversion to net-zero timber frame homes and save the environment.

ADU for sale in Kit Form

Accessory Dwelling Units

What I don’t get is why ADUs in most states cost three times what they’re worth, and their build quality is just horrible. An ADU is an investment, yet businesses demand $120.000 in materials for a one-bed, 400-square-meter unit. The walls have 100 mm of insulation, the roof has 150 mm, and the floor has 100 mm; this is not a house, but a cheap toilet.
At Factory Cabins, we create houses from visually graded C24 KD lumber. KD implies it was dried in a kiln, and the moisture level is roughly 10%–12%, which is the equivalent of SS timber grade in the United States. it means we manufacture from the best timber on the planet.
If you are a company that is looking for a supplier to help you offer your consumer base the best prices, higher quality, and a fair price, please contact us. The pricing difference is half, and our quality is without a doubt 100% better.

Many individuals want to own a home, but with growing housing costs and limited space in cities, it’s becoming increasingly challenging. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are a solution to this dilemma, offering homeowners a cost-effective method to expand their living space while increasing the value of their property. These small supplementary units, sometimes known as granny flats, backyard cottages, or in-law suites, are becoming increasingly popular as a means to enhance living space without requiring standard house enlargement procedures. And, with the emergence of ADU kits, constructing an ADU has gotten much simpler.

So, exactly what are ADUs? ADUs are small, self-contained dwellings built on the same lot as an existing single-family home. They can range in size from a modest studio to a two-bedroom unit and often include a kitchenette, bathroom, and living space. ADUs can be attached to the main house or stand alone on the same property. They also have their own entrance and address, providing inhabitants with complete privacy and independence from the main residence.

There are numerous advantages to having an ADU on your property. ADUs, in addition to offering additional living space, can also generate rental income, assist homeowners in aging in place, support multigenerational living, and provide accommodation for caretakers or family members. Furthermore, ADUs can boost the value of a home and allow homeowners to downsize without leaving their beloved community.

ADUs have been around for a long time, but the development of ADU kits has made them more affordable to homeowners. These kits provide all of the materials and components needed to construct a fully functional ADU, such as well insulated, triple-glazed, and SS-graded timber frames. ADU kits, as opposed to traditional home expansion options like building an addition or converting a basement, are relatively quick and easy to install, with a typical turnaround time of 8 to 10 weeks.

The utilization of high-quality materials and construction procedures is one of the primary benefits of using an ADU kit. The timber frames utilized in these kits are made in Europe and subjected to stringent quality control standards. This means that the end result will be of higher quality and longevity than traditional building methods. Furthermore, the highly insulated materials used in ADU kits make them energy-efficient, allowing homeowners to save money on utility expenditures over time.

Another advantage of ADU kits is their low cost. A typical extension or basement conversion can be costly and time-consuming. ADU kits, on the other hand, are substantially more cheap and may be supplied directly to the construction site in containers. This eliminates the need for costly on-site construction, potentially saving households thousands of dollars.

ADU kits also provide homeowners with a customizable and adaptable choice. The size and configuration of the kit may be adapted to the homeowner’s unique needs and preferences, making it an adaptable option for various homes and lifestyles. ADU kits can also be made to blend in with the main house, preserving the property’s style.

Finally, ADUs and ADU kits are a practical and cost-effective choice for homeowners wishing to expand their living space or raise the value of their property. As the need for housing continues to rise, ADUs offer a sustainable and cost-effective way to extend living space without requiring substantial construction. ADU kits are becoming a popular choice for homeowners across America and beyond because to their high-quality materials, rapid turnaround time, and customization choices.

Many individuals want to own a home, but with growing housing costs and limited space in cities, it’s becoming increasingly challenging. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are a solution to this dilemma, offering homeowners a cost-effective method to expand their living space while increasing the value of their property. These small supplementary units, sometimes known as granny flats, backyard cottages, or in-law suites, are becoming increasingly popular as a means to enhance living space without requiring standard house enlargement procedures. And, with the emergence of ADU kits, constructing an ADU has gotten much simpler.

So, exactly what are ADUs? ADUs are small, self-contained houses built on the same lot as an existing single-family home. They typically range in size from a modest studio to a two-bedroom unit and include a kitchenette, bathroom, and living space. ADUs can be linked to the main house or stand on its own on the same lot. They also have their own entrance and address, providing inhabitants with complete privacy and independence from the main residence.

There are numerous advantages to having an ADU on your property. ADUs, in addition to offering additional living space, can also generate rental income, assist homeowners in aging in place, support multigenerational living, and provide accommodation for caretakers or family members. Furthermore, ADUs can boost the value of a home and allow homeowners to downsize without leaving their beloved community.

ADUs have been around for a long time, but the development of ADU kits has made them more affordable to homeowners. These kits provide all of the materials and components needed to construct a fully functional ADU, such as well insulated, triple-glazed, and SS-graded timber frames. In comparison to traditional means of home extension, such as building an addition or converting a basement, ADU kits are relatively quick and straightforward to install, with a typical turnaround time of 10 to 12 weeks and delivery.

The utilization of high-quality materials and construction procedures is one of the primary benefits of using an ADU kit. The timber frames utilized in these kits are made in Europe and subjected to stringent quality control standards. This means that the end result will be of higher quality and longevity than traditional building methods. Furthermore, the highly insulated materials used in ADU kits make them energy-efficient, allowing homeowners to save money on utility expenditures over time.

Another advantage of ADU kits is their low cost. A typical extension or basement conversion can be costly and time-consuming. ADU kits, on the other hand, are substantially more cheap and may be supplied directly to the construction site in containers. This eliminates the need for costly on-site construction, potentially saving households thousands of dollars.

ADU kits also provide homeowners with a customizable and adaptable choice. The size and configuration of the kit may be adapted to the homeowner’s unique needs and preferences, making it an adaptable option for various homes and lifestyles. ADU kits can also be made to blend in with the main house, preserving the property’s style.

Finally, ADUs and ADU kits are a practical and cost-effective choice for homeowners wishing to expand their living space or raise the value of their property. As the need for housing continues to rise, ADUs offer a sustainable and cost-effective way to extend living space without requiring substantial construction. ADU kits are becoming a popular choice for homeowners across America and beyond because to their high-quality materials, rapid turnaround time, and customization choices.

There are numerous options on the market for ADUs (accessory dwelling units). However, following careful investigation and evaluation of various ADU kits, I can confidently state that our ADUs are the best available.

Our ADU kits stand out from the competition due to their high level of insulation. While other firms may offer a minimal level of insulation, our ADUs have nearly twice the amount. This means that our ADUs have high thermal efficiency, which keeps the interior temperature comfortable while lowering energy usage. Furthermore, with increased concerns about climate change, having a fully insulated ADU benefits not only the homeowner but also the environment.

The windows and doors are one of the most crucial aspects of an ADU. Our ADUs are equipped with triple-glazed windows and doors for optimal sound insulation and security. This innovation makes our ADUs not only comfortable, but also safe and secure. Furthermore, the triple glazing delivers exceptional energy efficiency, lowering the homeowner’s energy bills even further.

But it isn’t all. Our ADUs also add significant value to your property. Our ADUs are unquestionably of exceptional quality, with the levels of insulation, windows, and doors provided. This added value to your house might be a significant long-term investment. The value of our ADUs will climb dramatically as the demand for ecological and energy-efficient houses rises. As a result, our ADUs are more than just a living space; they are also a long-term investment for your home.

Furthermore, our ADU kits are meant to be simple to put together. The construction procedure is simplified with our precise instructions and pre-cut supplies, saving you time and money. Furthermore, our kits include all of the essential plumbing and electrical components, eliminating the need for extra contractors and significantly lowering building expenses.

Aside from the technical features, our ADUs provide design and customization flexibility. We recognize that each homeowner has unique and specific demands, and our ADUs may accommodate those needs. We have a range of floor plans to pick from, whether it’s a studio, one-bedroom, or multi-bedroom ADU. Furthermore, our ADU kits can be tailored to match the aesthetics of your property. This customization option allows you to make a seamless transition between your main house and the ADU, including it into the overall design of your property.

Finally, our ADUs actually provide the finest value on the market. Our ADU kits are in a class of their own, with improved insulation, triple-glazed windows and doors, enhanced value to your property, ease of installation, and customization choices. We are committed to offering homeowners with high-quality, sustainable, and affordable living alternatives, and we believe that our ADUs demonstrate this. So why would you settle for anything less? Choose our ADUs and see for yourself the difference.

Thank you for reading our blog

Modular Contemporary New Build Homes

Modular Building: Changing the Future of Construction

A silent revolution is taking place in the world of modern building, promising to revolutionise the way we construct and evolve structures. Prefabrication, often known as modular building, has emerged as a major changer in the construction sector. This novel technique provides hitherto unseen benefits in terms of efficiency, sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and design flexibility. This article delves into the topic of modular construction and looks at how it is transforming the future of construction.

Understanding Modular Building

Building components are assembled in a controlled manufacturing setting before being shipped to the construction site for final installation. These elements, also known as modules, are meticulously made while following rigorous standards of excellence. They might be as small as a single room or as elaborate as full building sections filled with fixtures, fittings, and wiring.

Modular Construction Advantages

  1. Rapidness along with effectiveness
    The quick development of modular construction is one of its key advantages. Traditional construction techniques are frequently delayed owing to weather and on-site issues. Modular construction, on the other hand, reduces these concerns. The regulated industrial environment guarantees that work proceeds consistently, considerably saving construction time. This efficiency translates into cost savings for project owners and quicker building occupancy.
  2. Economical Effectiveness
    Modular construction is essentially low-cost. The reduced manpower needs, as well as the reduced waste of materials, all translate to lower total project costs. Furthermore, the predictable nature of modular construction allows for more precise planning and cost forecasting, reducing the likelihood of unforeseen costs.
  3. Long-term viability
    In today’s building sector, sustainability is crucial. Modular construction is environmentally beneficial since it reduces material waste and energy usage. The regulated environment allows for improved resource management, lowering the carbon footprint associated with building projects.
  4. The design process Diversity
    Design is not sacrificed in a modular design. Designers and architects have the freedom to create unique and visually beautiful constructions. Modular may be customised to fit the most detailed design demands thanks to advanced technology and precision engineering.

Modular Construction Applications

Modular construction is adaptable and may be used in a variety of building types and businesses. Here are some prominent examples:

  1. Residential Structures
    Modular building is becoming increasingly common in home construction. Homeowners benefit from shorter building schedules and less interruption to their communities. The inherent quality control in modular construction assures long-lasting and energy-efficient dwellings.
  2. Commercial Buildings
    Businesses may employ modular construction to complete office spaces, retail outlets, and warehouses faster. This method reduces downtime and helps businesses to begin operations sooner.
  3. Medical Facilities
    The rapid building of modular hospitals, clinics, and medical offices aids the healthcare business. These buildings are outfitted with cutting-edge healthcare equipment and may be enlarged or modified as needed.

four. education
Modular construction is perfect for educational institutions that must adhere to strict deadlines. To accommodate expanding student numbers, schools and colleges can swiftly expand their campuses.

Modular Construction Is the Way of the Future

Looking ahead, it’s clear that modular building is here to stay. Its multiple benefits make it an appealing option for home builders, developers, and investors alike. The industry is constantly developing, with new materials, designs, and sustainable practises being introduced on a regular basis.

Diagram of Modular Construction

The following graphic depicts the modular building process, emphasising the efficient manufacture of modules in a factory environment and their subsequent installation on the job site.

Finally, modular construction ushers in a new era of building that is notable for its speed, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. We are forging a brighter and more efficient future for construction projects of all sizes by embracing this new approach. Modular construction is positioned to lead the way into a greener and more affluent future as demand for sustainable and efficient building solutions develops.

Our Designs, are completely original to us, there are many that will copy us as always, but none can manufacture the quality that only we can offer. Please give us a call and lets talk about manufacturing for you on our CNC house Line the most amazing net Zero Home you could ever wish for, at prices that will really open your eyes.

We can offer a 13 week turn around, to first fix!
Yep 13 weeks and it’s up! if you have planning.

Twin Skin Log Cabins and Insulated Timber Frame Buildings all EPC A rated.

The Highest Level of Architectural Excellence and Structural Security
We delve deep into the intricate craftsmanship, environmental benefits, and hypnotic aesthetics that make timber structures a true architectural marvel in our ongoing quest to discover timber structures’ everlasting appeal.
Timber Structures: A Natural Wonder

Factory Cabins: Net Zero A rated EPC New Timber Frame build for the UK and Europe

The sustainable construction revolution has here, and timber buildings are leading the charge. As architects, builders, and environmentally conscious citizens band together, timber emerges as a shining light in the drive for sustainable living.
Timber is a natural wonder.
Timber from renewable forests is environmentally friendly. Unlike conventional concrete or steel, timber absorbs and stores carbon throughout its entire life cycle. Because of this carbon sequestration process, timber is a more environmentally friendly option.
Environmentally Conscious
Timber production requires significantly less energy than concrete or steel manufacture, resulting in a lower carbon footprint. Furthermore, due of its inherent insulating properties, timber structures use less energy for heating and cooling, reducing their environmental effect even further.
The design possibilities are limitless.
The versatility of timber is unlimited. Architects may shape timber into a range of shapes, from sleek modern structures to rustic huts nestled in the woods. This versatility allows for the creation of one-of-a-kind, visually beautiful buildings suitable for both urban and rural settings.
The Craftsmanship of Timber Structures
The craftsmanship involved in the construction of timber houses is astounding. Each piece of wood that is carefully selected and expertly worked adds to the overall beauty and solidity of the structure.
Traditional Joinery Techniques
Timber buildings commonly use traditional joinery techniques, in which wooden components fit together like a well-crafted puzzle. Fine craftsmanship is essential to ensure structural integrity, and mortise and tenon connections, dovetail joints, and finger joints are only a few examples.
Finishing Wood
Finishing touches on wood buildings are just as crucial. From hand-sanded surfaces that showcase the natural grain of the wood to finely calibrated architectural details, every aspect of timber construction exudes competence.

Contrary to popular belief, timber structures are quite durable. If properly cared for, timber can last for generations. This endurance is a testament not just to the inherent strength of the wood, but also to the skills of those who deal with it.
Timber Structures’ Aesthetics
Timber has an undeniable visual appeal that transcends time and fashion. Timber constructions have an inherent ability to blend in with their surroundings yet commanding attention.
Beauty that endures
Timber’s warm, natural colour and textures provide a sense of timelessness. Timber structures, whether in a bustling city or a peaceful countryside, are testaments to the beauty of nature and human innovation.
Nature’s Harmony
Timber constructions, which are typically seen in densely forested areas, foster a harmonious interaction with nature. They appear to grow from the earth itself, providing a peaceful break from modern life’s stress.
Architecture’s Iconic Structures
Timber structures have left an indelible mark on architectural history all across the world. From historic pagodas in Japan to log cabins in North America, these structures are cherished as one-of-a-kind relics that blend history and modernity.
Timber Structures’ Future
Timber buildings are expected to continue their rise in the architectural world in the coming years. As engineering, sustainability, and design progress, they promise to transform the skylines and landscapes of our cities and countryside.
Technological Advancement
Timber engineering advances such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glue-laminated timber (Glulam) have expanded timber construction options. These technologies enable taller, more ambitious timber constructions, pushing the boundaries of what this wonderful material is capable of.
Green Building Certification
Timber is an ideal candidate for green construction certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) due to its ecological credentials. This prize confirms its position as a pioneer in sustainable construction.
A Source of Insight
Timber constructions are a source of inspiration, reminding us that beauty, sustainability, and craftsmanship can coexist. They challenge the status quo and inspire future generations to imagine a world where architectural excellence and environmental responsibility coexist.
To summarise, timber constructions are more than just structures; they are a testament to human creativity, a nod to nature’s majesty, and a promise of a brighter, more sustainable future. They continue to amaze the world with their ageless beauty, outstanding craftsmanship, and sustainable ethos, making them a formidable architectural force.
There is nothing better on the market right now for high-quality windows and doors for your log home than ours. And our cost is absurdly inexpensive when compared to the quality level, for one simple reason: we are here to deliver quality at a fair price.
We basically brought all of our competitors’ windows and doors, yep, we went under the radar and bought 12 sets of windows and doors, and guess what, they all sold expensive “crap.” Then we disassembled them to really see what was being offered, and what we discovered was that 65% of the companies used only a small amount of cheap mastic sealant in their windows and doors, and some companies did not use any at all.
Following that, we noticed that almost every manufacturer was (is) lowering costs on “diy” glass so-called double glazing packages. Because the majority of enterprises (89% of them) create their own glass, it is not CE-approved double glazing, but rather cheap panes of glass imported from China that are put together and labelled double glazing. You couldn’t make this stuff up!

You’ll notice that we have numerous photos of the timber in our gallery, certified joinery timber that has been dried to a moisture content of 5-7% and then moulded. This implies that our windows and doors are not intended to twist, buckle, or exhibit any of the other unpleasant qualities associated with low-cost products.
Log Cabin Windows and Doors
Please let our representatives know if you want a very high grade of windows and doors, something “better,” and you want to update your cabin windows. Please follow this link to see some fantastic windows and the machinery that manufactures them.
While it is fair to prioritise having adequately strong walls for your log cabin in order to enjoy comfort and little heat loss from within, we must not overlook the significance of having the same high-quality windows. Failure to do so wastes both money and energy. takes pride in handcrafting high-quality windows for each of their log cabins. Whether you have a little garden cabin or a multi-room residential cabin, you can expect the same high-quality windows. exclusively employs the highest grade of glazing to demonstrate the distinction. This double-glazed high-grade glazing is suited for any log cabin with a wall thickness of 44mm or greater. The same high-quality double glass modules are used in Twinskin Log Cabins with double walls and access for insulation.
Unlike many low-cost manufacturers, goes out of its way to ensure that your windows will last for many years.
The handcrafted technique includes the use of double mastic as well as high-quality galvanised black rain shields that will never rot or rust. A simple wipedown with a damp cloth is all that is required, or if there is any more tenacious dirt or grime, such as bird droppings, a basic window cleaning solution from your local hardware shop or supermarket will do the job quickly. The window frames are mortised and tenoned with care and precision. Many of our competitors usually overlook this stage.
The wood in the framework has been kiln dried to a moisture percentage of 3/6%. We always encourage our clients to ensure that the windows are properly stained and weather-protected as soon as possible in order to keep the moisture content and avoid any swelling, warping, or twisting. This simple procedure yields a completely watertight device. There is a link to the homepage of this website.
Please watch the films, which will certainly amaze you with the exquisite attention that goes into window building, for a more detailed description of the windows.
We shower the windows with a vigorous water spray for over an hour as part of the quality control process. There isn’t a single drop or drip of water that gets it to the other side. This supports not just the excellent craftsmanship of these devices, but also the precision closures that result in a hermetically sealed product.
Security should not be an issue with any high-quality single- or double-glazed unit. In order to be a leader in innovation in the UK, only uses the highest quality hardware for its hinges, handles, stays, and—most importantly—its five-point locking mechanism.
The old English proverb “Don’t spoil the ship for a ha’porth of tar” has always guided Historically, those who “skipped on the tar” discovered that their ships began to leak and list, never living up to their former aspirations. The same principle holds true for log cabins, specifically log cabin windows. Be aware of shady knockoffs who still make windows for a living. Whether it’s a garden log cabin, a garden office, a summerhouse, or a residential cabin, your log cabin should be something you’re proud of and something you’ll use for many years. windows are all intended to provide long-term satisfaction. It truly ends up being less expensive in the long run, with no fuss.
Doors for Log Homes
In terms of security, in addition to having effective lockable windows, your front and back doors must be extremely robust and durable to withstand any break-in attempts. While high-quality deadlocks are necessary, we believe that many manufacturers design doors that are so weak that a front door can be simply kicked inward.
One of the most significant characteristics of a well guarded home entrance door is that it opens outward. In this technique, the door jamb is incorporated into the framework behind the door, making it nearly impossible to kick open once the door is closed.
To properly enforce this level of security, you must have a really strong, solid door that acts as a fortress to secure your property. makes such log cabin doors and provides the necessary high-grade deadlock security locks with three keys.
Such huge doors must smoothly hang and swing open and close. This involves the use of extremely strong hinges. Again, such components are included in the bundle at
It is vital to consider the type of furniture that will be used in each room when designing a multi-room log home. Take the bedroom, for example. If you have a set of wardrobes in your bedroom and have limited space, the bedroom door should open outwards rather than inwards. When rooms are close together and create a corner, other aspects must be considered. Installing a door in such a way that it completely covers another door is not a good idea.

External glass doors are double-glazed to the greatest extent practicable. Internal doors are mortise and tenon jointed and made of well-seasoned solid pine. In these circumstances, only the highest quality glazing is used when selecting glazed interior doors.
The entrance door of a house, whether residential or a garden log cabin, should be welcoming, and invests a significant amount of time and money ensuring that such doors are not only gorgeous but also functional.
We recommend that you maintain your door as soon as possible with appropriate microporous paint to ensure that it remains in pristine shape for many years to come. Higher-quality products that cost a little more than lower-quality products last much longer and cost less in the long term, because lower-quality products usually need to be replaced numerous times during the same period.
You will always feel safe and secure with a door. If you have any further inquiries, please contact us by email at
We specialised in the construction of timber-framed, well-insulated structures in London.
Garden Rooms Have the Potential to Transform Your Outdoor Space
At Factory Cabins, we understand the significance of creating outstanding outdoor living spaces. Our custom garden rooms are more than just beautiful additions to your home; they are life-changing spaces that will improve your quality of life. In this comprehensive tutorial, we will delve into the realm of garden rooms, discussing its versatility, benefits, and how they may enhance your house and yard.
Garden rooms are what they sound like.
Garden rooms, also known as outdoor extensions or garden offices, are standalone structures that integrate into their surroundings. These versatile sections can be utilised for everything from home offices to entertainment areas, gyms, or recreational getaways. They are totally customisable, allowing you to create a room that meets your specific needs while still reflecting your particular style.
The Advantages of Garden Rooms
1.Increased Living Space
Garden rooms are an excellent addition to any home, providing additional living space without the need for costly renovations. A garden room may meet your requirements, whether you require a playroom for your children, a peaceful reading nook, or a huge home office.
2.Increase in Property Value
Purchasing a garden room is not only advantageous in the near term, but it is also a sensible financial option. When it comes time to sell, these structures can significantly increase the value of your home, making it more enticing to potential buyers.
3.Use All Year
Garden rooms may be used throughout the year due to greater insulation and climate control options. Your garden retreat can be enjoyed at any time of year, making it a delightfully versatile addition to your house.
4.Natural Cohesion
Garden rooms are an excellent way to interact with nature while enjoying the comforts of indoor living. Large windows and glass doors let in plenty of natural light, creating a peaceful setting that promotes rest and creativity.
Making Your Dream Garden Room
1. The purpose and functionality
Before you begin, it is vital to identify the purpose of your garden room project. Are you looking for a relaxing refuge, a working desk, or a leisure area? Understanding your needs will guide the design process.
2. Coherence in Architecture
A well-designed garden room should complement the rest of your home. Consider the architectural style, materials, and colour palette to provide a seamless integration into your landscape.

3.Interior Designing
On the inside of your garden room, your concept will come to life. Every detail counts, from the flooring and lighting to the furniture and decor. Create a location that expresses your personality while satisfying your utilitarian requirements.
The Construction Methodology
Factory Cabins’ skilled team is committed to making your garden room vision a reality. To ensure the highest level of quality and satisfaction, we follow a strict procedure:
conversation: To evaluate your needs and preferences, we begin with an in-depth conversation.
Design: Our skilled architects will create a one-of-a-kind design based on your specifications.
We design your garden area to perfection, utilising high-quality materials and skilled craftsmanship.
Finishing Touches: We pay great attention to every detail, from interior finishing to landscaping, to ensure your garden room is ready for you to enjoy.
Please keep in mind that all of our incredible-quality timber frame structures exceed the new EPC criteria.
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the New EPC Legislation
It is critical for businesses and property owners to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing environment of energy efficiency requirements. The Newable team is here to shed light on the most recent advancements in Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulations and their far-reaching consequences. We at Newable believe in arming you with the knowledge you need to properly navigate these changes and assure compliance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll go over the complexities of the new EPC regulations, who it affect, and how you may adjust to remain compliant and competitive.
What does the new EPC legislation entail?
The new EPC legislation is a watershed moment in energy efficiency requirements, affecting a wide range of buildings and companies. It is more crucial than ever to understand this legislation’s complexities because its main goal is to address the environmental issues brought about by energy use.
The Legislation’s Main Points
1.Stringent Energy Efficiency Standards: The new EPC legislation provides more stringent energy efficiency standards for properties, emphasising the importance of lower carbon emissions and improved energy performance.
2.Broadened Scope: Unlike earlier requirements, the new legislation includes commercial structures, public sector facilities, and industrial sites in addition to residential residences. Because of this development, a broader range of businesses and organisations will be impacted.
3.Enhanced Reporting Obligations: Property owners and businesses will be subject to heightened reporting requirements, mandating a thorough grasp of their building’s energy performance. Compliance with these reporting obligations is critical in order to avoid penalties and keep a good reputation.
4. Transition Period: The legislation defines a phased implementation plan to ensure a smooth transition, giving affected parties adequate time to adapt and make required adjustments.
Who Is affected by the new EPC legislation?
Knowing whether your home or business is subject to the new EPC legislation is critical for proactive compliance. Let us look at the several areas and entities that this legislation affects:

  1. Owners of Commercial Real Estate
    The new EPC regulation has a significant impact on commercial property owners. Compliance is vital whether you run a modest office space or a vast industrial complex. Failure to comply with the revised criteria may result in fines and a reduction in your capacity to attract tenants or buyers.
  2. Entities in the Public Sector
    The legislation also applies to public sector organisations such as government buildings, schools, and healthcare facilities. This is part of a larger effort to reduce the environmental impact of public infrastructure.
  3. Industrial Establishments
    Industrial locations, such as factories and industrial plants, must adapt to the new energy efficiency regulations. Implementing energy-saving techniques assures compliance while also lowering operational costs.
  4. Owners of Residential Real Estate
    Though the new EPC regulation is largely aimed at commercial and public sector assets, it also affects residential property owners, particularly those with larger homes or rental properties. Compliance not only contributes to sustainability, but it can also raise the value of a property.
    Getting Used to the New EPC Legislation
    Now that we’ve demonstrated the significance and scope of the new EPC regulations, it’s critical to examine options for effectively responding to these changes.
  5. Energy Audits and Evaluations
    Consider doing complete energy audits and evaluations to launch your compliance journey. These assessments provide useful information about your property’s current energy performance and suggest areas for improvement.
  6. Energy-Saving Upgrades
    Investing in energy-efficient renovations is a preventative measure for reaching the new standards. This may entail improving insulation, HVAC systems, and lighting in order to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions.
  7. Documentation of Compliance
    It is vital to keep precise records and compliance documentation. This guarantees that you can readily establish your compliance with the law in the event of an audit or inspection.
  8. Professional Advice
    Seeking advice from energy efficiency specialists and legal counsel can help to speed up the compliance procedure. Professionals can assist you in navigating the complexities of the legislation and developing a custom action plan.
    Staying educated and proactive in a continuously changing regulatory context is critical to success. The new EPC regulation emphasises the importance of energy efficiency and sustainability across a variety of industries. It is your responsibility as a responsible property owner or business entity to embrace these changes, not just to meet regulatory requirements but also to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
    We at Newable are dedicated to assisting you in your compliance journey. Contact us today to find out how we can help you through the complexities of the new EPC regulations and keep your property or business at the forefront of energy efficiency and sustainability. Together, we can create a brighter, more environmentally friendly future.

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the New EPC Legislation
It is critical for businesses and property owners to stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing environment of energy efficiency requirements. The Newable team is here to shed light on the most recent advancements in Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) regulations and their far-reaching consequences. We at Newable believe in arming you with the knowledge you need to properly navigate these changes and assure compliance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll go over the complexities of the new EPC regulations, who they affect, and how you may adjust to remain compliant and competitive.

What does the new EPC legislation entail?
The new EPC legislation is a watershed moment in energy efficiency requirements, affecting a wide range of buildings and companies. It is more crucial than ever to understand this legislation’s complexities because its main goal is to address the environmental issues brought about by energy use.
The Legislation’s Main Points
1. Stringent Energy Efficiency Standards: The new EPC legislation provides more stringent energy efficiency standards for properties, emphasising the importance of lower carbon emissions and improved energy performance.
2.Broadened Scope: Unlike earlier requirements, the new legislation includes commercial structures, public sector facilities, and industrial sites in addition to residential residences. Because of this development, a broader range of businesses and organisations will be impacted.
3.Enhanced Reporting Obligations: Property owners and businesses will be subject to heightened reporting requirements, mandating a thorough grasp of their building’s energy performance. Compliance with these reporting obligations is critical in order to avoid penalties and keep a good reputation.
4.Transition Period: The legislation defines a phased implementation plan to ensure a smooth transition, giving affected parties adequate time to adapt and make required adjustments.
Who Is Affected by the New EPC Legislation?
Knowing whether your home or business is subject to the new EPC legislation is critical for proactive compliance. Let us look at the several areas and entities that this legislation affects:

  1. Owners of Commercial Real Estate
    The new EPC regulation has a significant impact on commercial property owners. Compliance is vital whether you run a modest office space or a vast industrial complex. Failure to comply with the revised criteria may result in fines and a reduction in your capacity to attract tenants or buyers.
  2. Entities in the Public Sector
    The legislation also applies to public sector organisations such as government buildings, schools, and healthcare facilities. This is part of a larger effort to reduce the environmental impact of public infrastructure.
  3. Industrial Establishments
    Industrial locations, such as factories and industrial plants, must adapt to the new energy efficiency regulations. Implementing energy-saving techniques assures compliance while also lowering operational costs.
  4. Owners of Residential Real Estate
    Though the new EPC regulation is largely aimed at commercial and public sector assets, it also affects residential property owners, particularly those with larger homes or rental properties. Compliance not only contributes to sustainability, but it can also raise the value of a property.
    Getting Used to the New EPC Legislation
    Now that we’ve demonstrated the significance and scope of the new EPC regulations, it’s critical to examine options for effectively responding to these changes.
  5. Energy Audits and Evaluations
    Consider doing complete energy audits and evaluations to launch your compliance journey. These assessments provide useful information about your property’s current energy performance and suggest areas for improvement.
  6. Energy-Saving Upgrades
    Investing in energy-efficient renovations is a preventative measure for reaching the new standards. This may entail improving insulation, HVAC systems, and lighting in order to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions.
  7. Documentation of Compliance
    It is vital to keep precise records and compliance documentation. This guarantees that you can readily establish your compliance with the law in the event of an audit or inspection.
  8. Professional Advice
    Seeking advice from energy efficiency specialists and legal counsel can help speed up the compliance procedure. Professionals can assist you in navigating the complexities of the legislation and developing a custom action plan

    Staying educated and proactive in a continuously changing regulatory context is critical to success. The new EPC regulation emphasises the importance of energy efficiency and sustainability across a variety of industries. It is your responsibility as a responsible property owner or business entity to embrace these changes, not just to meet regulatory requirements, but also to contribute to a greener and more sustainable future.
    We at Newable are dedicated to assisting you in your compliance journey. Contact us today to find out how we can help you through the complexities of the new EPC regulations and keep your property or business at the forefront of energy efficiency and sustainability. Together, we can create a brighter, more environmentally friendly future.
timber frame residential buildings

New Timber Frame Buildings 2017


Here is another one of our finished timber frame projects.

This little beauty is two beds, two baths, fully insulated, timber frame unit, clad in Siberian larch, and meets the UK full building regulations.


Unlike the rubbish sold in the UK under the guise of quality control by the government and given a few number and letters (BS 3632).


The BS3632 is laughable, our pensioners are robbed blind of their savings,


With the grandiose thoughts of safe investment, and living their retirement in a quality building, with in a safe gated environment.


But reality is that their hard earned savings, are stolen in a hand shake, and their dream park home, luxury lodge is no more that board, screws and glue, with cheap UVPC windows.


A Luxury Lodge / Park Home, should be to full building regulations. There should not be any if or buts about it.

All buildings that are lived in full time should be built to last, and be a sound investment.


If you really want to purchase a quality Park Home that really is an investment, built by a professional house manufacturer, then please give us a call.

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..


Twin Skin Log Cabins vs Timber Frame vs Glulam Log Cabins

One of our qualities that we are very proud of and which we demand of our dealers and sales-people is honesty

Yep! Good old fashion honesty, which is a rare trait in this industry!

Sometimes it means that we might lose the sale because we have offered honest advice.

There are too many liars, con men, and complete and utter idiots in our industry with zero experience, and are only out to take your money and run! We need Don on cowboy builders to do a few episodes on log cabins!! (We can supply him with 30 company names straight off)….

OK back to our blog.

We as a company believe it is worth educating the public.

Nearly every day we receive a call from a potential client who wants some particular cabin or other timber building and we just know it is not what he or she needs or simply it is not the best solution for the customer.

Sometimes we even advise to go with brick and mortar instead of timber and log.

If you are thinking of purchasing a timber structure be it timber frame or log it is very important to understand that this is a long-term investment and it is very important for your peace of mind that you are fully aware of what you are going to receive before you place an order.

It is also very important to have a clear vision what the building is going to be used for. Different types of cabins and timber buildings have their pros and cons. Today we are going to lay some guidelines down for your thought process.


–              I want a cabin for my garden.

A Solid log cabin in 34mm for your garden is a perfect solution if you only need a cabin to keep your gardening tools, read a book on summer evenings , or need a spare room to put boxes, or that noisy washing machine and dryer!

Our DF range of log cabins in 44mm with quality tilt and turn double glazing are great for everything, but are not suitable to put the mother in law in at the bottom of the garden!

If you are thinking of building yourself a garden office then what you need is a building with tall windows that allows a lot of natural day light in, this is where a lot of garden office fail, small windows, made from thin material and incredibly cold in the winter, that’s why a twin skin system in 44mm x 44mm is the way to go for any kind of budget priced insulated garden office type structure.. Should you be looking for a garden cabin that is good for staying-living-office-bedsit-granny flat, an all year round we would strongly recommend insulated twin skin which is available in solid timber and also our engineered glulam timber.


If you are looking for a permanent dwelling, a home, then we would suggest timber frame.

Over the last few years we have been working tirelessly to bring to market a timber frame panel that won’t just keep you warm and safe in the winter, and cool in the summer, but also a panel that will protect your investment. (I am looking for a knighthood for this one).

With in 3 moths we will have 2 display models in the UK, which we know will upset the Park Home fraternity deeply!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give us a call or send us an email, and please have a long hard look through our website, there is a lot to take in, but every design can be tailored to your needs. Bespoke designs welcomed.

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..