Category Archives: mega pods 4.0m x 7.2m

Arch Leisure Camping Pods.

You have to check out this company’s 3d link of the inside of their pods, my god, seriously, talk about rubbish timber, i took a few screen shots of the dead knots on the inside , the inside, imagine, who does quality control, who actually cares about the quality they are selling you.

You should be disgusted at yourself keith for building such rubbish pods, the inside T and G is fucking shameful. And you want people to pay for your crap (((((great value starting at prices from £9,950 + VAT & delivery with optional bunks and double bed.))))) great value you taking some medication.

Talk about cheap nasty pine, with black knots, awful…. absolutely disgraceful. Black knots means they are ready to fall out…….. and this is cheap nasty, pine, the cheapest you could buy.

Some Photos of random pods inside, ours…

Clean, beautiful timber, the LV way!
Hardly any knots at all, why because we have first pick of the timber, not last, (((Keith))
Is that not a beautiful clean canvas!! No knots.
Powerful structural beams!
And before anyone asks, about our beams, don’t, we are the masters of bending glulam beams, we can actually make a beam curved at 48 m long!

Arch Leisure And Google Search

OK, we all search for a company that we truly believe understands their product and knows what their doing, we want to believe that the guy we are speaking to has the ( Minerals) the midas touch, and he knows more than you about his products and i can help you etc. But when a company is selling and advertising using another manufacturer products to sell his lesser quality wares, it makes you wonder if you can truly trust the seller, it brings to mind, look at this Rolex in the box, and not the one i got from China in my pocket. And sadly Mr Keith from Arch Leisure is doing that, he is using my quality camping pods, and then he sadly gives you crap instead , and i challenge him any day to bring one of his awfully built pods to our Factory, and let’s see how much weight the roof can hold, what’s it like in sub zero conditions and what awful sub quality timber is he using, because i do not see anywhere on his website, FSC Chain of custody, or for that matter anything resembling C24 timber.

We parted company with this company last year,and what he is displaying on google is not what he now manufacturers but we had manufactured for him in the past, and there is a reason for this, what he is now selling is ( well what i have just said means there is a problem if you have to show off someone else’s product and not your own…..) Would you trust this guy? His company? Does he run away from problems, is he there when your pods are delivered? Does he actually understand the concept of Podding, and the ethos behind it, or is he just a salesman trying to earn money from any product, and then gone.

If you’re looking for a camping pod, and want to buy direct, not from some guy who never leaves his house other than to go on holiday in Dubai , and trust me Ryan Air does not fly there for £230 return!

Very soon on we will be offering camping pods at ex work prices we are now getting rid of our pod dealers as we did our cabin sellers, and we will be putting up Factory Pricing.

If you really want the best of the best, then stop looking in the UK for Pods, you do not have forests, you do not have quality pods, you never will have, we have the best of the best timber, we also have huge glulam beam lines that can manufacture subframes for the pods that no one in the UK can, plus, we offer better pricing and quality.

“Buy British” I am all for that, but without Russian timber, your housing market would come to a halt. And I mean it would stop. Sadly the UK public are fed crap by the media, and trust me when i say we do as much bad when it comes to spying and killing people as the Russian, Americans etc.

We are not saints in any way, we are lied to so many times a day by our government, it makes me laugh, go home, don’t go home, stay in dooors, go to the pub, wear masks, don’t wear masks, and please tell me, Toilet paper? What the F—–k is all that about, I am English and i just laugh, i think my race has turned into sheep………. We allow every soft stupid , daft dick tell us what to do, we have schools open when they should be shut, and all the money should be spent on finding a cure, that’s it. And now we have a recession which is coming this recession is like a huge fucking dark, powerful wave that will rip through ever family and company around the world, the price of gold is nearly 2000 an ounce, it could go as high as 3000 or 4000 as some predict, and holidays at home will become the largest market in the UK, yet in Jan 1 you leave the EU and tariffs on your timber will completely ( kill your home grown industry of manufacturing) thats happening already as most shed companies and timber companies have shortages, and this will get more common, as why should we supply you with products that you turn into a product that then your businesses sell for 5 times its actual value.

I do not like greedy people, and now your pants are down, and you can not manufacturer a product if you do not have the material to manufacture it.

You should have been planting years ago, yet you tarmaced everything and built high rise buildings, destroyed your green belt and just messed up the country completely, and because you were under the thumb of Germany for so many years you lost yourself in immigrants and laws. Now 1st January 2021 England becomes England, and a lot that went around will go around. But you still don’t have timber. NONE!

Which is why all the best Camping Pods come from us. that’s fact.

And one last fact, we manufacture Schools, Houses, Large Log Cabins , Camping Pods etc, we also have our own glulam production line , we have so many CNC machines it would take a day to list each one, and our buildings are 10/10, we are also not going to go bust. In 2008 so many unlucky, poor people were ( f—–ed) over by backstreet middle men and the large companies, ( none can be trusted, your laws allow them to steal and there is no come back) that actually just bought and sold on, who took deposits, and did not give them to their supplier but kept them, and i am talking about 5 of your biggest log cabin companies in the UK to date, that did this, and ended up owing us huge amounts of money, and customers and banks, and they went bust with a smile and a ” we will be back in a few months once we have restructured, that means gone on holiday with their customers deposits , had a great time and then came back when the threatening emails stopped and the people had stopped throwing bricks through their office windows , and with in a week they had a new managing director, the deposits were gone, customers lost their money and the company carried on as nothing had happened because the websites were allowed to be used by the new managing director, and we over here, now understand and learned from 2008 that the UK is the most corrupt country in Europe for business, in Russia you can and will go to jail, same as Lithuania and Latvia and Estonia, Finland, Sweden if you knowingly just took deposits to keep them, but the UK, lol, never, , and we will not put up with it. so goodbye dealerships. If your government will not protect you, then we will. this is my industry i started off the Likes of Dunster House, Skinners, and so many companies that now sell huge volumes of cabins, and who will will not sell to anymore.

The UK is now sadly now the poor man of Europe, and no one trusts him, your printing money with out anything to back it up thanks to Gordon Brown.

Between 1999 and 2002 the Treasury sold 401 tonnes of gold – out of its 715-tonne holding – at an average price of $275 an ounce, generating about $3.5bn during the period.

Gold now is trading at nearly £2000 an ounce, the man was is as stupid as the day he was born.

There are so many reasons not to purchase from a UK company at the moment, and the word you are looking at is uncertainty. We were here from the beginning, we have the timber, we don’t have depts, we can survive whatever the markets throw at us because we have what you all need, timber. So we are actually the only ones to trust.

Log cabins LV thanks you for reading this blog so does Factory Cabins.

Regarding purchasing Cabins, Timber Buildings or any item from Self Employed Dealers. Resellers,  who sell our LV or FC brand, if you went to the Self Employed Dealers, reseller,  first, please do not come to us, if you have a question, concerns please call us, but as they are resellers, we are unable to do anything legally to them regarding their prices , Please remember and do not forget a business needs earn money, we can say what we think they should be sold at, but we cannot by law demand they sell it at what we think. So, it’s always best to look at other websites, and please remember our cabins are high quality, so like for like pricing will be difficult, but there are a few companies out there that are the same nearly as ours and you can gauge if the pricing if fair or not.

I say this all the time, pay with a credit card………. It keeps you safe.

We have no claim or claims to our dealerships working practises, or who and what they do. We are not responsible for deposits they may take, and we are not responsible for broken doors, windows, or bad workmanship, fitted kitchens, bad fitted bathrooms etc, we however would like to be told this in writing so we can take the matter to the company concerned and ask them to help you with your concerns.

When we deliver a cabin to our resellers, they are the owner of that cabin, timber building etc, until they give it to you, you don’t even own it, once its delivered to you, you sign for it, but before you do, inspect it, you can refuse to sign for it if there is damage. The law is on your side, however if you have had a bespoke cabin made for you, and there are missing parts, or a broken door, you cannot return this, the company (reseller) has 28 days, or whatever his T and C’s  say in which to fix your Log Cabin. We have some amazing resellers, and they will bend over to help you have that amazing cabin in your garden.

Here is a note to everyone, only buy a cabin if your job is secure, and you can afford it, as most cabins are bespoke manufactured for you, refunds are almost impossible. So please beware of this.

Please take note, please,please always ask if you can pay with a credit card.

Thank you for reading.

Glamping Camping Pods- 360 View- From LV

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Our Camping Mega Pod, 4.0m x 7.2.0m is with out doubt the best of all camping, glamping pods on the market to date.

Our Camping pods are not just sturdy, handmade by professional house builders, fitted with high quality residential CE windows and doors, amazingly insulated, and our camping pods are just so much very more than the rest offered on the web.

The internal design has a staggering 2.8m high-vaulted ceiling; Velux Windows offer an abundance of light, but more than that, the exposed framework gives the pod a gothic, church feeling, mixed in with excitement, design and wonderment.

What we find is that when our new dealers first enter a mega pod, they really are left speechless, as it is quite an overwhelming structure.

If you really are looking for a quality camping pod, that will last the test of time, then LV camping pods are the way forward.

Please visit our Web site..Click Here..
