Monthly Archives: February 2022

Log Cabin Hot Tub Building

Yes its a hot tube cover, also its a changing room, also its a place to get away from everyone and everything.
Its on the Isle Man and it stood through many storms, why, we made it.

Russian Forests

I want to make a statement now, see this amazing forest, well some of it ends up in your house, in many different forms, its the Russian well managed, well kept inner northern forest, and the UK does not have anything vaguely that looks even similar to this, and it never will do, because each and every government , cares only about money and zero about forests. And now you are upsetting the man that could stop your house building, gas, and everything else you need. So before you let the media completely brain wash you, look at this picture, think, this is there because President Putin cares about his forests, and then think, if a man loves nature so much, how can he be so bad?

President Lukashenko of Belarus, now this man has grown his forest into one of the best in the planet, and we are very dependant on him for timber.
Sadly though America want as always to upset the world, which they do daily and hourly.

Always pay with a credit card.

Belarus Forests.

Before you start to believe what people say about people, really get to know the person , and not what your told by CNN or BBC, both of which are liars and fraudsters. Get to know the truth before you make judgement, and a man who cares for his wildlife, is never a bad man!

What is good Timber and what is Bad Karl..

Many of you know what is good and bad, if its not black/ blue stained and looks ok, to most thats how they judge the quality of timber.

To other people, we look at how its planned and cut, treated and notched.
So heres a small lesson.

This is Russian, Quality Timber.

Russian Quality Winter Cut Timber.

Then there is Baltic Cut Timber, most companies use this if they are manufacturing bulk cabins, as its cheap, and honestly, nasty,

As you can see the difference immediately.

99.9% of people use this timber to manufacturer their sheds, cabins etc from, why , cost, the cost to you is high to them low, the longevity of the manufactured item months not years.

So when your picking a log cabin be smart….. Your money was hard to come by, spend it wisely. In the land of sheds and cabins , lies are told more than truths.

Fact Winter Cut timber is the best!
Fact we only use winter Cut timber.
Fact buy direct saves you 1000’s and you get the best quality their is to have.
And lastly, if you want the best, come to the company that designed 99.9% of all cabins in the market to date.
We invented the twinskin system, and were the first to manufature, market and sell.
The clockhouse, the aurora, coin phrased the term garden office for a 4m x 5m log cabin, and so much more.

We are the longest running company in the cabin industry, and we are proud to say we have made this industry what it is today, by always pushing harder and harder.

Doors and Windows our design, now everyone is copying.

We designed over many years a new set of windows and doors, and how they were to work, they working part has not been copied, but the design has.

Thank you for reading,,,

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