What is factory cabins, and who is factory cabins.
Simple Factory Cabins is in essence www.logcabins.lv, www.logcabinslv.co.uk, ,www.logcabinssussex.co.uk but now we are more than a designer / manufacturer/ dealer, we are now a group of mills coming together, and offering on one site, our products without using the middle man.
“Just a quick note, if you all knew me, and understood my passion for this industry and how i like to make sure that your cabin, pod, house, what ever is not just the best , but it really is the best all of you would only buy from me, because i really do produce the best log cabins and timber buildings at the most sensible pricing for the quality in the World! Now i have had a long hard road and battle with my dealers over the years to not be greedy, and only a very small few listened to me, and these girls and guys i have kept and they do my bigger builds, and assembly etc, because I respect their family values, everyone who knows me knows i hate liars, crooks and thieves, the public must be treated like family, i always say this, then the dealer spoils everything by spending his profit before he has the cabin delivered, or even ordered, and then problems, and as the recession comes closer and closer i am looking at the market and i can see who is not to be trusted, if they say they can not deliver and please pick it up, it means they are getting rid of drivers, which means money is tight, and their overheads are too high, everyone who has my cabins, pods, timber frame, what ever, sauna barrels, hot tubs etc, and i really love my timber frame houses, as i love to design and i love to get phone calls with people screaming down the phone in delight with their new house, cabin, or pods and telling me how amazing they are, that makes my life worth living, yes money helps, but in life her-his family is the strength , not how much we have in our pocket which is why everyone is treated fairly and like family. and that’s why our quality is amazing, if you are looking for a high quality, low priced log cabin , camping pod, laminated cabin or a timber frame house, please speak to me” EX Works Pricing is the New Beginning, make a massive saving with a phone call”.
So how does it work, Simple, we, sell everything EX Works Lithuania. I was told off today for swearing, sorry Mr Customer, but the British have been ripped off so badly by their so called friendly neighborhood dealers for years, and the amounts you pay for your cabins now, are sadly grand theft in every way, and when you start comparing our low low, low, low prices that will eventually cover Factory Cabins from top to Bottom, our pricing will shock you. Many unscrupulous companies have stolen our DF range imagery and added them to their websites, do not be conned.. Please tell us who they are.
So why have we done this, well it’s simple, we the mills this time round will make sure that no customer loses his/her money when the recession does actually hit us in a few short months, which it will, ( be sure of that) if you look at how many companies in 2007 went bust, and then restarted and owed customers money, and are now under new trade names and trading now, you would be even more shocked, and they are sadly the leading brands, Even us the mills were owed 100.s of thousands, it was then after 2007 that we all stopped giving credit the UK dealers in full. There was no more factoring with banks etc. Sadly the UK dealers destroyed the trust of banks and mills alike.
How many of the companies in the UK went bust in 2007, it’s a long time ago, but to me it was like yesterday, and our dealers were ordering lots and lots of cabins, and then ” whoops” our dealers then said they could not pay their invoices,” surprise’ surprise” which is what always happens when you give credit or trust someone ,even with contracts in place etc, especially in this market, as its fickle and most UK companies have huge over heads, and go bust very very quickly when the customers stop coming in, and the next thing you know, your told sorry, we have gone bust and speak to the bank, the bank say sorry and you lose your money.
Sadly in the UK going bankrupt and restarting again is too easy, but you the customer, are left high and dry, and i saw this before in 2007, and i helped personally many customers get their money back and their cabins delivered.
Also the market slowed down to a crawl because the dealers were upping their prices to try and stay afloat, to pay their Garden Centre rent and staff, and eventually they went bust, and customers lost their deposits and cabins and dreams.
So why have we decided to go ex works, simple, we will not let our hard work be spoiled by greedy individuals who have lived the high life and think that you the customer would never buy, purchase a cabin ex works, they think you the customer will only buy from them, because you trust them, they are after all local, they know your area, and they are British and you trust them. Well! I am British and you can trust me, and i can honestly say the prices in the UK will come down, to my level, and quality and cost will be on par, i do not sell crap, unlike 90% of the companies out there. And if you want to buy a fucking quality cabin and save 1000’s of pounds, have it delivered to your door, assembled and given a guarantee that actually means something, then Factory Cabins .co.uk is the number one company to speak to.
We will week , by week start to bring more and more different designs to the site, timber frame, Laminated cabins, Pods and so much more. and all EX WORK LITHUANIA.
Remember we started this industry in 2001, first cabins came from us, website was www.sourcingtimber.com. I am the only Britt in Lithuania in this industry and there is a reason for this, its because i love this industry and i love the people i work with and have done for more than 20 years, i trust my fellow workers and designers and staff, and i think that its about time everyone got a fair crack at the EX WORKS PRICE, .
This is not going to make me popular, I know, but who gives a fuck, I DON’T…. And a man who does not swear, well, he must be very gentle, and we do not need gentle people, cutting trees, moulding logs and making cabins, we need men.
Please visit our Web site..Click Here..

There may be a lot of people with our images with LV attached to them, please ask us, who is who, We do not supply anyone in the South East of England, no one! So no to Bexhill, Hastings, Eastbourne, or Kent, if you find a company that is based in these areas using our images, and product name be aware of fraud, if they need to steal from us, they will steal from you!